
客服热线:88882888, 13906192326


浏览: 2712发布: 2019-11-21




US Risks Epic Blunder By Treating China As An Economic Enemy

The United States has handled its economic diplomacy with shocking myopia.

The US Treasury's attempt to cripple the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AllB) before it gets off the ground is clearly intended to head off China’s ascendancy as a rival financial superpower, whatever the faux-pieties from Washington about standards of"governance”.

 Such a policy is misguided at every level, evidence of what can go wrong when a lame-duck president defers to posturing amateurs in Congress on delicate matters of global geostrategy.

Washington has enraged Britain by trying to browbeat Downing Street into boycotting the project. It has forced allies and friendly countries across the Far East to make a fatal choice between the US and China that none wished to make, and has ended up losing almost everybody. Germany, France, and Italy are joining. Australia and South Korea may follow soon.

The AllB is exactly what the world needs. China must recycle its trade surpluses and its $3. 8 trillion reserves by one means or another. It can buy US Treasuries, Bunds, or Gilts, perpetuating a global bond bubble. It can make surgical investments abroad to acquire technology for its champions and pursue a narrow national interest.

Or it can recycle the money in concert with other members of the AIIB with a start-up capital of $50bn--for sewage projects, clean energy, ports, roads, and railways in Asia, helping to plug a $700bn shortfall in infrastructure investment that the World Bank is too small to cover and which is of collective benefit to the world.

Britain recycled its surpluses in the 19th Century by building the world's railways. America did so in the 1950s through the Marshall Plan. China must do likewise, and it is hard to see why the AIIB is considered such a villainous variant.

American officials castigated Britain for breaking ranks and embracing the project, as if it were kowtowing to an enemy. "We are wary about a trend of constant accommodation of China, which is not the best way to engage a rising power,” one US official told the Financial Times.

One is left breathless at the historical folly of such a view in any case. As Henry Kissinger told Caixin magazine this week, the greater danger is that the US fails to accommodate the rise of China in an enlightened fashion, repeating errors made by the status quo powers faced with a prickly Germany before the First World War.

















美国财政部企图使亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)未及起步便陷入瘫痪, 不管华盛顿如何假慈悲地大谈管理标准, 但其意图显然是要阻止中国取得与之分庭抗礼的金融超级大国地位。

这一政策在各个层面受到错误思想的引导, 一个跛脚鸭总统在棘手的全球地缘战略事务上听信国会里那些矫情的外行, 便是事情出错的证明。

华盛顿试图威逼唐宁街抵制亚投行, 令英国大为恼火。美国迫使远东地区的盟国和友好国家在美中两国间做出它们谁都不想做出的重大抉择,结果失去了几乎所有国家。德国、法国和意大利已申请加入。澳大利亚和韩国也许很快会效仿。

亚投行正是这个世界所需要的。中国必须以这样或那样的方式将其贸易顺差和3.8万亿美元外汇储备投入再利用。它可以购买美国国债、德国国债或英国国债, 使全球债劵泡沫长久保持。它可以在海外大举投资为本国优秀企业获取技术并谋取狭隘的国家利益。

它也可以与亚投行---启动资金为500亿美元---其他成员国一道, 将这些钱用于亚洲的排污工程、洁净能源、港口、道路和铁路, 帮助填补世界银行力所不能及的7000亿美元基础设施投资缺口并普惠全世界。

19世纪, 英国曾利用其盈余资金在世界上修铁路。上世纪50年代, 美国通过马歇尔计划对其盈余资金进行再利用。中国也必须这样做, 很难看出为什么亚投行要被视为洪水猛兽。

美国官员严厉批评英国擅自离队而接受亚投行, 就好像英国是在对敌人卑躬屈膝似的。一名美国官员对《金融时报》记者说: “对于不断迁就中国的趋势,我们十分警惕, 那不是与一个崛起中的大国交往的最佳方式。

这种无论如何基于史实来看都是愚蠢的观点令人咋舌。正如亨利·基辛格本周对财新杂志记者所说的, 更大的危险在于美国未能以开明的态度接纳中国的崛起, 重复了第一次世界大战前安于现状的大国面对桀骜不驯的德国时曾犯的错误。



Huishan Clay Figurines

Wuxi is the home of Huishan painted clay figurines----well-known products of traditional Chinese handicraft.

The making of clay figurines involves two processes, i.e. first molding clay figurines by kneading with the fingers, and then painting the surfaces with colors, which represents an artistic style distinctively its own. Multifarious in theme, grotesquely out of proportion in features and shape, bold and bright in color paint, Huishan clay figurines carry an unmistakable flavor typical of country life south of the Yangtse River. Not only are they well liked throughout China, they are also extremely popular in the world. At present clay figurines are being marketed in over sixty countries and regions in five continents. Small play things as they are, these lovely figurines have become an important link in China's cultural and art exchange with peoples of various countries. In June 1959, after visiting the figurines workshop, the famous poet Guo Moruo composed a poem which reads:

Characters whether old or present-day,

In a minute they all take shape.

Figurines attired in fashions different

But one with prototypes in spirit.

Lucky that I've seen miracles wrought

That go unmatched abroad.

Eight hundred artisans, old or young,

Their prowess is second to none!

As there is no mention of them in recorded history, it has long been a point of controversy when these clay figurines were first molded. Some suggest that Sun Bin, celebrated general of the State of Qi during the period of the Warring States, in order to break through the enemy battle array of Five Thunders, ordered clay figures of men and horses to be molded which finally helped him vanquish the rival army. Others put the first molding of clay figurines at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, when the founding emperor's military counselor Liu Bowen in an attempt to call down a curse on Huishan so that nobody here, however able, would ever covet the power of the Ming court, told his subordinates to mold figurines with clay dug from Huishan. But judging from a number of pottery figurines of the Han and Tang  Dynasties excavated in 1954 near Huishan, and having found a striking resemblance between them on the one hand and the early clay figurines like "Lucky Fatty"and"Celestial Twosome of Harmony and Peace” on the other, specialists have concluded that Huishan clay molding might have to be traced back to as early as two

thousand years ago. Anyway, it is a folk craft with a long tradition and part of the fine cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.






We’ re All Hypocrites About Online Privacy

Why are conversations Donald Sterling had in the sanctuary of his home fair game to pick through and ridicule, but if someone steals nude celebrity photos and posts them on the internet, a crime has been committed against humanity?

The recent photo hacking scandal involving Jennifer Lawrence and a hundred other celebrities has put America at great odds with itself. It has pitted our feeling of overwhelming entitlement to other people's private information in direct contrast with our mortal terror that any of our own private information may somehow be made public.

And just as ugly as the scandal itself is the unquestionable revelation that Americans have become increasingly comfortable drowning in double standards and hypocrisy.

Don’t get me wrong. The national disgust over these hacked photos is completely appropriate. I guess I'm just not used to us actually caring.

Whoever is responsible for this hacking crime robbed these actresses of a lot more than a few pictures; they were robbed of the very basic ability to control what confidential and personal information was shared publicly. It’s a right most of us undoubtedly don’t appreciate until someone removes it by correctly guessing one of our passwords.

The only problem I have with this perfectly appropriate outrage is how it unintentionally holds up a mirror to the completely inappropriate lack of outrage to an infinite number of other privacy violations

Is our tolerance for privacy infringement based solely on likability?








离开梅园茶果场,横渡太湖,再到马山。岛上峰嶂相迭,果树满坡。陪同者告诉我们,无锡杨梅闻名全国, 而马山杨梅尤为佳品。杨梅有紫、红、白三种颜色,紫种最好,白者也佳。据说,杨梅性味甘酸而温,功能生津、解渴、和胃、消胀。群众惯用杨梅浸高粱酒,制成红艳艳的杨梅酒。一旦受寒腹泻,喝上一点酒,立见功效。










我对这种完全理所应当的愤怒仅有的异议是, 这种愤怒怎样无意中树立了一面镜子,照见我们完全不该有的对其他无数侵犯隐私行为的愤怒的缺失。




Fruit Fragrance Far and Wide

It was high summer south of the Yangtse River when we paid a visit to Meiyuan (the Plum Garden) Tea and Fruit Farm, where the hillsides were covered with tiers of tea trees and groves of peach and pear trees.  As we got into the farm, we were immersed deeper and deeper in an intoxicating sea of fragrance-- the delicate tea scent, the honey aroma of peaches, the fresh sweet smell of pears.

Shuimitao(the honey sweet peach), a traditionally well-known peach variety cultivated in and around Wuxi, has always enjoyed tremendous popularity on home and international markets. Accounting for most of the honey sweet peaches shipped to and sold in Hong Kong and Macao, the Wuxi Shuimitao is tempting in texture, appetizing in smell and taste, and rich in nutritive value. The Wuxi peach is jade-white in base color, faintly fragrant, its skin easy to peel off, its fine-grained pulp tender and juicy --a really dainty fruit widely liked.

Having bidden farewell to the farm, we sailed across Taihu (the Tai Lake) and arrived at Mashan (the Horse Hill) Isle, where against a background of undulating peaks were seen vast stretches of fruit trees on hill slopes. Our guide told us that of all the Wuxi bayberries reputed throughout the country the Mashan variety certainly ranks first. There are three different strains of them- the purple, the pink and the white. The purple strain is definitely the best; the white strain quite good too. It is said that with a spicy sweet and sour flavor,  bayberries help secretion of saliva and can serve to quench thirst, allay the stomach and dispel indigestion. Widespread is the folk recipe for preparing a dark red beverage by bayberries in white kaoliang (Chines sorghum) spirit. The bayberry beverage has a swift therapeutic effect on diarrhea caused by chills.



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